Registration Pricing Options

Single Class






Purchase one or more classes at the single class rate, or save money and commit to training through a class pack or membership. Gift cards are also available for purchase. Check out the discount codes below for individual class rates for students, military-affiliated individuals, and EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare card holders.

 Membership FAQs

Discount Codes






code: BDSMilitary



code: BDSSeniors

Card to Culture


code: BDSCulture

Boston Dance Studios is committed to making dance affordable. Use the codes above when you register for classes to unlock your student, military, or Card to Culture discount. Show your relevant ID or card to the front desk when you check-in for your class at the studio. Codes are not valid for packages or memberships or gift cards.

Card to Culture

We are proud to participate in Mass Cultural Council's Card to Culture program, in collaboration with the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector, by broadening accessibility to cultural programming. EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare cardholders can present their Card at the front desk to take a Boston Dance Studios class for $10. Create your Vagaro profile in advance and pay at the door.

See the complete list of participating organizations offering EBTWIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.

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Studio Guidelines

  • Please be prompt and arrive on time for your class. Latecomers disrupt everyone. Generally, instructors do not allow students to join in the class more than 15 minutes after the start time.

  • Wear comfortable clothing that stretches and remove any dangling jewelry. 

  • Cell phones, pagers, and other communications devices should be turned off before class. Please be polite to your teacher, other students, and to everyone working at Boston Dance Studios, Inc. 

  • Everybody is entitled to respect. 

  • Dance shoes should be worn only in the studio.  Wearing dance shoes in a parking lot or on a street or sidewalk can damage the shoes and bring in dirt that can damage the dance floors. 

  • No food, drink (except water), or gum is allowed in any studio, and there is no smoking allowed anywhere on the premises. 

  • Theft, lying, plagiarism, forgery, and all other forms of dishonesty will not be tolerated at any time. No form of harassment (sexual, verbal, or otherwise) or bullying will be tolerated at any time.

BDS, Inc Policy

Boston Dance Studios, Inc. does not discriminate and will never refuse service to any prospective or current student on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or veteran status. However, to ensure the productive and safe operation of our classes, we reserve the right to refuse service, or to terminate service, to anyone on the basis of inappropriate or wrongful behavior at our building (or off-site location, if applicable). For example, BDS reserves the right to terminate service to any student who violates any of our house rules or who is disruptive in class. Individuals asked to leave our building (or off-site location, if applicable) may be refused re-entrance and will not be entitled to any refund (full or partial).